Number representation in digital electronics — Part 1 (Numerical bases)

In this series of posts, we will look at the different ways that numbers are stored and processed in computers and other electronic devices, as well as some details of the specific data formats used to represent numeric values in computer memory. An important part of this is the binary numeral system, since we usually think of digital data as being in binary form. The binary and decimal systems both use a position-value notation, and this first post will focus on some of the common characteristics of this type of system, and how it allows numbers to be expressed in different bases. »

Uliza:Connecting broadcasters and farmers for better radio

At Farm Radio International we work to share knowledge with small-scale African farmers and make sure their voices are heard. Radio is a really effective way to reach a large audience, but it is essentially a one-way communications tool. So how do make sure that we’re helping radio stations to engage with listeners in an actual conversation? Radio and mobile phones are the most powerful communications tools in Africa. »

Mapping our impact

With upwards of 35 weekly broadcasts across sub-Saharan Africa, estimating audiences is a challenging but essential job for Farm Radio International. Radio goes a long way but it does not go everywhere. Hills and valleys play a huge role in determining whether or not a given community can listen. If we are to measure the impact of broadcasts in a meaningful way, it is important to know both where the signal goes and where it does not go. »